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Campbell's Investor Day 2024

The Campbell's Company

"Setting the Standard" at the Nasdaq

Campbell's had big plans for their 2024 Investor Day — a 155-years-in-the-making name change headlining a bold repositioning of repositioning of their investor proposition. Moreover, they were set to step way outside of their Camden, NJ headquarters this time around, hosting an immersive takeover of the Nasdaq Marketsite in New York City. Classic or not, the old "red and black on white slides" was not going to cut it this time around.

Over the course a stop-start or two, several rounds of concepting, and a meeting with then-CEO Mark Clouse to ... talk about the importance of color contrast in live presentations? We pulled together a simple but dynamic, event-specific theme and plotted the course for a 150+ slide, four-section journey through the next phase of Campbell's development as a powerhouse in both the Meals and Beverages and Snacking categories.

Playing point man on this I was involved near-daily with leadership and category teams for several months, coordinating between stakeholders and our Studio Team. And just to play it safe I provided on-site tech and rehearsal support to ensure things went off without a hitch, including the opportunity to hang in the audience to see it all come to life and enjoy the sample-heavy interactive portion of the festivities.

The Highlights
The Whole Thing
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